70.7. A promoter may submit to the Minister an application for registration for an aggregation of projects of the same type carried out on several sites for various members of the aggregation when each project meets the conditions of sections 70.2 and 70.3 and of the protocol applicable to the project.
An application for registration for an aggregation of offset credit projects must include(1) for each project, the information and documents referred to in section 70.5;
(2) the name and contact information of each member for which an offset credit project will be carried out; and
(3) a declaration signed by each member party to the aggregation attesting that the promoter is duly designated to carry out the project and authorizing the issue of the offset credits to the promoter for the aggregation.
The project commencing first is considered to be the reference project for the application, to the aggregation of projects, of the time limits for renewal set out in section 70.10 and for the project report referred to in section 70.14.
The provisions of this Regulation concerning offset credit projects apply, with the necessary modifications, to an aggregation of projects.